Git: Restore a Commit with Reflog
git reset is generally used to cancel a commit. It happens mainly for two reasons. One is just to cancel it. The other is to modify changes. After changes, a new commit can be created. git commit --amend is an alternative way to modify it. Both ways can make the same result. ▶ git log --oneline a91929a (HEAD -> master)...
Bash: Highlight Matched Texts With Colors
Logs are valuable sources to identify issues. It would be continuously generated (e.g. adb logcat) or stored as a file. Mostly, I use the terminal to check those. When I check that, it is often not easy to see since every text has the same color. grep could help to filter out. With --color=auto or --color=always option, it supports highlighting...
Failing Unit Test by GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor1
For running Gradle tasks, I prefer using a command-line interface. Recently, I made a code change and added new unit tests. To verify the behavior, I ran a test task. Soon after, it showed a quite weird error message, which was about GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor1. As you can see below, the error message didn’t point out any line from my code. Everything...
Why ZSH is Slow for Git Repos
In these days, I’m using ZSH(https://ohmyz.sh/). It has many handy features and supports useful plugins. One day, I’ve noticed a slowness issue. Basically, the prompt was not shown right after running a command. It was interesting because it only happened in the git repositories. To fix this issue, I needed to understand what’s happening first. When you run zsh with...
How to Embed a Google Drive Video on a Website
There are lots of video sites you can upload your videos. After uploading, you can easily embed that video on your post or on a website. For example, YouTube supports “Copy embed code” option when you do the right-click. The copied code is like below. iframe tag is used to embed a video, and there are other parameters such as...
Adb: Take a Screenshot with a Laptop
When you use an Android emulator, taking a screenshot is quite easy. Just press the ‘Take screenshot’ on the sidebar or press the shortcut (For Mac, ⌘ + S). However, it is slightly cumbersome if you want to take a screenshot from your device and store that in your laptop. The reason is that you need to pull a screenshot...