Git: Restore a Commit with Reflog
git reset
is generally used to cancel a commit. It happens mainly for two reasons. One is just to cancel it. The other is to modify changes. After changes, a new commit can be created. git commit --amend
is an alternative way to modify it. Both ways can make the same result.
▶ git log --oneline
a91929a (HEAD -> master) Add skeleton files
6e9be90 Add .gitignore
be44318 Init
▶ git reset HEAD^
▶ git log --oneline
6e9be90 (HEAD -> master) Add .gitignore
be44318 Init
▶ git st
On branch master
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
These commands are quite useful and powerful. The thing is that I sometimes want to cancel those and restore the previous commit. After git reset
, it is gone. git log
doesn’t show it anymore.
▶ git log --oneline
6e9be90 (HEAD -> master) Add .gitignore
be44318 Init
Then, what would be the way to restore it? Maybe you pushed a branch or a commit to a remote repository before. When git reset
happens only in a local machine, it’s possible to get or restore it from the remote repository. If not, it can be tricky.. Luckily, git
has reference logs. The git
document describes
Reference logs, or “reflogs”, record when the tips of branches and other references were updated in the local repository.
Basically, git
doesn’t remove commits right away when git reset
happen. It changes references first. In this example, HEAD
is now changed to 6e9be90
. git reflog
shows those reference change logs. These logs are stored only locally and git
will prune reference logs older than 90 days by default. The below command shows the commit id, a91929a
, before running git reset HEAD^
▶ git reflog
6e9be90 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD^
a91929a HEAD@{1}: commit: Add skeleton files
6e9be90 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{2}: commit: Add .gitignore
be44318 HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): Init
git reset --hard <COMMIT_ID>
would restore that commit and references.
▶ git reset --hard a91929a
HEAD is now at a91929a Add skeleton files
▶ git log --oneline
a91929a (HEAD -> master) Add skeleton files
6e9be90 Add .gitignore
be44318 Init
The same way is applicable to restore after git commit --amend
. This command is used to apply more changes to the existing commit. Technically, git commit --amend
does’t modify an existing commit. It will create a new commit using the changes of the most recent existing commit. Then, git
adjust references to show only the new commit. git log
doesn’t show that previously existing commit.
▶ git commit --amend
[master 447608a] Add skeleton files
▶ git log --oneline
447608a (HEAD -> master) Add skeleton files
6e9be90 Add .gitignore
be44318 Init
It means that it would be easy to restore by knowing that previously existing commit id. git reflog
shows those records. The commit id before amending is a91929a
▶ git reflog
447608a (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: commit (amend): Add skeleton files
a91929a HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to a91929a
6e9be90 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to HEAD^
a91929a HEAD@{3}: commit: Add skeleton files
6e9be90 HEAD@{4}: commit: Add .gitignore
be44318 HEAD@{5}: commit (initial): Init
git reset --hard
command will restore that commit and references.
▶ git reset --hard a91929a
HEAD is now at a91929a Add skeleton files
▶ git log --oneline
a91929a (HEAD -> master) Add skeleton files
6e9be90 Add .gitignore
be44318 Init
One more thing. If you want to learn more on references, try git cat-file -p <COMMIT_ID|BRANCH>
# After `git reset --hard a91929a`, the references are the same as `a91929a`
▶ git cat-file -p master
tree 3f5d073729ffc62a7a1f9e307ba510a3f4762ea9
parent 6e9be90d94f41e176f1a5a9a706e14fdb10f1586
# `a91929a` have a parent, `6e9be90`
▶ git cat-file -p a91929a
tree 3f5d073729ffc62a7a1f9e307ba510a3f4762ea9
parent 6e9be90d94f41e176f1a5a9a706e14fdb10f1586
# Previously amend commit has the same parent, `6e89e90`
▶ git cat-file -p 447608a
tree 3f5d073729ffc62a7a1f9e307ba510a3f4762ea9
parent 6e9be90d94f41e176f1a5a9a706e14fdb10f1586