Create a Pull Request using Command Line Tool, Hub
GitHub is a decent version control repository for collaboration. To work together, GitHub suggests a flow, including to make a pull request. Here is the definition of pull request from “About pull requests” GitHub. Pull requests let you tell others about changes you’ve pushed to a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review...
AutoValue, Parcelable, and ParcelAdapter
AutoValue AutoValue is a tool to eliminate cumbersome codes for value classes. For value classes, we commonly need to implement equals, hashCode, and toString. Those are really repetitive and easy to make hard-to-spot bugs if you miss to implement every method properly when you add a new field. public class Album { private String mTitle; private String mArtist; private String...
Publish GitBook to Your GitHub Pages
These days, I’m writing instruction manuals. After that, I would like to publish it as a website. So I’ve investigated about solutions, which suit below needs. Writing a document based on markdown syntax Embedding a video Generating a website Searching documents Custom theme GitBook looks a nice option. See a generated site using it, “Front-end Handbook”. It generates a static...
Set a Default Value with a Bash Parameter Expansion
Bash scripts are commonly used to make repetitive tasks easier. Let’s say you do this. ❯ tar -cf backup.tar /data/logs Instead of typing this every time, you can create a bash script, called backup.sh #!/bin/bash tar -cf backup.tar /data/logs Then, you just need to type the bash script name to execute it. ❯ ./backup.sh It seems just a bit shorter,...
Checkout Pull Requests from GitHub
GitHub give us an effective way to collaborate on development projects. Developers easily can participate on a project and contribute. The way to contribute is often called as the pull request workflow. When developers want to suggest some code change, they modify the code and can send code change which is called a pull request. Project maintainers, including you, can...
Application Architecture for Scaled Agile
The agile software development was introduced to focus more on individuals, interactions, working software, customer collaboration and responding to change. An agile team usually consists of 4 to 6 members including product owner, testers, designers, developers and agile coach. It is straightforward for smaller companies to apply. As a company grows, you might wonder how to keep the agile. To...