In these days, I’m using ZSH( It has many handy features and supports useful plugins. One day, I’ve noticed a slowness issue. Basically, the prompt was not shown right after running a command. It was interesting because it only happened in the git repositories. To fix this issue, I needed to understand what’s happening first.

When you run zsh with a --help parameter, you can see many options. Among them, -v and -x are useful ones to dig into the problem.

$ zsh --help
-v    equivalent to --verbose
-x    equivalent to --xtrace

When you run zsh -xv, every command that ZSH runs will be shown. In the git repo, I pressed enter multiple times and checked logs to figure out which command is slow. There might be some better ways but I just looked at the terminal. I saw that there was a bit freeze when the below line was shown.

$ zsh -vx
+git_prompt_status:1> local INDEX STATUS
+git_prompt_status:2> INDEX=+git_prompt_status:2> git status --porcelain -b

To show helpful information on the prompt, ZSH has many defined functions. Git related functions are defined in git.zsh. As you can see, that command is from git_prompt_status().


# Get the status of the working tree
function git_prompt_status() {
  INDEX=$(command git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null)

Those functions are generally called by ZSH themes and plugins. In my case, avit theme, I’m currently using, uses it to set RPROMPT.


RPROMPT='$(_vi_status){$(echotc UP 1)%}$(_git_time_since_commit) $(git_prompt_status) ${_return_status}%{$(echotc DO 1)%}'

It is possible to fix or optimize git_prompt_status() function in git.zsh. However, I realized that it was the information that I didn’t need actually. So, I decided to remove that. One way is to remove that line in the theme directory. .oh_my_zsh is a git repo. So, modifying the code in there could make an issue to update ZSH. Instead of that, I simply override RPROMPT value in .zshrc. This is a safer approach.



Note that a problem line could vary depending on your theme and plugins. When you have some issues, zsh -vx will help you to point a problem command.